In this video series, Jorge Arteiro will introduce AKS, Azure Kubernetes Services to Fernando Rolnik and will show how to get start with valuable tips.
Part 1 – Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Services
In the first part, Jorge will introduce the Azure Kubernetes Services, including:
- Architecture
- Basic components
- Node pools
- Tools to work with AKS.
Part 2 – How to Install Azure Kubernetes Services including Demo
Part two will show how to create a Kubernetes cluster on Azure, using AKS. Jorge will explore all options on the portal. How to use the kubectl tool, what are namespaces, how to deploy a container, how to forward a port to the container, and how to expose the container with a public IP. When the pods and services start to run, we will check it using the monitoring dashboard.
Commands used on this video:
- After create the service, get the credentials to your kubectl:
az aks --resource-group <Your Cluster RG> --name <Your Cluster Name>
- Check the context:
kubectl config get-contexts
- Check nodes:
kubectl get nodes
- Create a deployment:
kubectl create deployment microbot --image=dontrebootme/microbot:v1
- Check what K8s is running:
kubectl get all
- Check what is running on default namespace:
kubectl get all -n default
- Port Forward to access to a pod:
kubectl port-forward <Pod name> <LocalPort>:<RemotePort>
- Assign a public IP to the deployment:
kubectl expose deployment microbot --port=80 --target-port=80 --type=LoadBalancer
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