Our mentor, an author of microservices books, Rahul Rai, prepared an amazing material that will introduce Service mesh, on Istio using Azure Kubernetes Service. In addition, he made available all demos on Katakoda to easily allow you to follow along. It is an excellent opportunity to start with this exciting innovative technology

The code to follow along using AKS the code to deploy on AKS on Rahul’s GitHub repository here, or click here to access the Katakoda course.

Part 1 – Service Mesh Fundamentals

In this video, we cover the fundamentals of a service mesh. We discuss the typical use cases and architecture of a Service Mesh. You may skip to the next video if you want to start with the Katacoda exercises. You can revisit this video anytime to learn the concepts in detail if they are not clear.

Part 2 – Introduction and Installation

In this video, we covered the various installation options of Istio and use the Istio operator to install it on our cluster.

Remember, you can get the code to deploy yourself here, or practice it on Katakoda.

Part 3 – Deploying Services

In this video, we deployed all the services that constitute the Book Club application, the sample application for this workshop, to the mesh.

Remember, you can get the code to deploy yourself here, or practice it on Katakoda.

Part 4 – Traffic Management Patterns

In this exercise, we discussed some of the traffic management patterns you can implement with Istio viz. Versioning, Fault Injection, & Canary Releases.

Remember, you can get the code to deploy yourself here, or practice it on Katakoda.

Part 5 – Resilience and Mirroring Pattern

In part 5 of this video series, Rahul shows how you can implement some more traffic management patterns on your services running in Kubernetes cluster viz. Resilience and Mirroring.

Part 6 – Service Discovery

In part 6 of the series, we discussed how you can extend Service Mesh to services outside the cluster. With this feature, you can implement the traffic management patterns that we previously discussed on external services.

Part 7 – Security

One of the core features of Istio is that you can implement AuthN and AuthZ on your services without making any changes to the application code. In this video, we discuss how.

Part 8 – Security

In part 8, Rahul concludes this workshop with an excellent overview of the Observability tools supported by Istio. He shows various demos that showcase the Istio observability tools and services such as Kiali, Jaeger, and Prometheus.

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