Azure Kubernetes Services Video Series
In this video series, Jorge Arteiro will introduce AKS, Azure Kubernetes Services to Fernando Rolnik and will show how to get start with valuable tips.
Part 1 – Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Services
Part 2 – How to Install Azure Kubernetes Services including Demo
Part two will show how to create a Kubernetes cluster on Azure, using AKS. Jorge will explore all options on the portal. How to use the kubectl tool, what are namespaces, how to deploy a container, how to forward a port to the container, and how to expose the container with a public IP. When the pods and services start to run, we will check it using the monitoring dashboard.
Commands used on this video:
- After create the service, get the credentials to your kubectl:
az aks --resource-group <Your Cluster RG> --name <Your Cluster Name>
- Check the context:
kubectl config get-contexts
- Check nodes:
kubectl get nodes
- Create a deployment:
kubectl create deployment microbot --image=dontrebootme/microbot:v1
- Check what K8s is running:
kubectl get all
- Check what is running on default namespace:
kubectl get all -n default
- Port Forward to access to a pod:
kubectl port-forward <Pod name> <LocalPort>:<RemotePort>
- Assign a public IP to the deployment:
kubectl expose deployment microbot --port=80 --target-port=80 --type=LoadBalancer
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