Azure Data Factory ADF Video Series
In this video series Adriana Cavalcanti, Fernando Rolnik, and Jorge Arteiro will show the data integration, data orchestration tool from Microsoft, Azure Data Factory. We will have an introduction and demos, to show how data transformation becomes easy with this new tool.
In the first video, we will have an introduction to Azure Data Factory and a demo showing how to copy data from AWS to Azure on the graphical interface. We will copy CSV files as binary objects from an AWS S3 bucket to an Azure Data Lake Gen 2.
Part 2 – Demo Copy CSV data into Azure SQL database
Part 2 will show how to copy CSV files content stores on Azure Data Lake Gen 2 to an Azure SQL database.
Part 3 – Demo Copy CSV data into Azure SQL database
In part 3 we will show the powerful Data Flow Transformation. In this demo, you will see how to generate a derived collum based on existent values on the same dataset.
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