This website is a community tarball to Cloud Computing Science – From Abstraction to Invention changing the way we communicate, learn, solve problems and do business.

We are inviting Azure community members to write a blog post or record videos with us. They will not only write their personal post/video but they will also mentor/onboard one new member or student for the community, helping them to write and share their experience. This is a safe zone!

You can propose your subject: Azure Cloud, Development, Open Source, IoT, Linux, Big Data, Containers, Automation, Infra, Marketing, management, Microsoft 365, Power Platform, Teams, Windows, Mobile, you name it.

If you want to be a mentor or mentoree, submit your application form here or send us an email on with your details(including email of both mentor and new member invited). A invite will be sent with credentials to login and post your blog. One blog for each one. Please make sure you present your new member to the community! You can use the same application form to AzureTar youtube videos as well.

Please follow us on Twitter @AzureTar , GitHub and

Social Media Communities

AzureTar Discord Server

LinkedIn AzureTar Community

Brazilian AzureTar Community on Telegram